2024학년도 2학기 학부 학생성공특강 안내
- 학생성공센터
- 조회수170
- 2024-10-31
<2024-2 학부 학생성공특강 안내>
○ 특강자: Tyler Jae-il Kim(경제학과 졸업)
Senior Client Relations Manager - IFC AMC, Treasury & Mobilization
*IFC는 World Bank 산하기관으로 개발도상국의 민간부문 투자를 담당하는 세계 최대 개발금융기관이다.
*Tyler joined IFC AMC in November 2015 as part of the Client Relations team. Prior tojoining IFC AMC, he was with the World Bank (IBRD) for two years in Singapore, where hewas an Infrastructure Finance Specialist. He has also worked extensively in Korea, wherehe worked for seven years as an Investment Manager in the Alternative InvestmentDivision of Hanwha Life Insurance. He started his career as a prop trader for stock tradingand has also worked in other firms within the Korean financial industry.He holds a Master of Science in Finance from the Manchester Business School in the UK anda Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business Administration from SungKyunKwanUniversity in Korea (Double Degree).
○ 주제: 글로벌 인재, 세계 무대에 도전하라.
○ 일시: 2024.11.6.(수) 오전 10시
○ 방법: 온라인 Zoom(입장 시 학과 이름 변경)
- 미팅룸: 720 514 9539 암호: 1111
○ 사전신청: 첼린지스퀘어 "World Bank"검색 신청
○ 문의: 학생성공센터(02-740-1762/psj980@skku.edu)