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Director’s Remarks











Hello, this is SKKU Student Success Center Direrctor, Junsang Lee.



The first value SKKU pursues through its founding philosophy of “helping others through self-discipline,” is “Student Success.” Student success means growing intellectually and emotionally through school life and becoming a talented person who contributes to the development and prosperity of humanity and future society. This is the ultimate goal that our university pursues as a higher education institution.


The Student Success Center is waiting for you. All students have their own dreams and hopes and engage in a variety of activities both on and off campus. We will help you succeed in your grand challenges for your dreams and career. I would like to share with you the difficulties and failures you experience during the challenge. If you need help with your studies, relationships, or various career concerns, let's find a solution together. We will serve as a gateway to connect your career paths, interests, and needs with the many educational programs taking place on campus.


The Student Success Center values ​​each and every student. We will build a system to enable hyper-personalized, customized career exploration. We will strive to ensure that all members of the university understand and empathize with the value of student success. The Student Success Center will work with you to ensure that your challenges bear fruit and you can have a hopeful future.


Thank you.


Sunkyunkwan University Student Success Center Chief

Junsang Lee